The Spirit of Sher: Big Cats in Kyrgyzstan

September 9th, 2014|Comments Off on The Spirit of Sher: Big Cats in Kyrgyzstan

    Mayramkul Asanaliev is a leading Kyrgyz artist and scholar of traditional hunting. You may remember Mayramkul as a participant in the workshop of Indigenous Cultural Practitioners facilitated by the Conservancy in 2013. At [...]

Studying Mongolia’s “Ghost Cat”

August 7th, 2014|Comments Off on Studying Mongolia’s “Ghost Cat”

  (Guest blogger, Katey Duffey, is a Miami University/Project Dragonfly Zoology Master's student with a research focus on mitigating human/carnivore conflicts while fostering coexistence.  Katey has just returned from Mongolia where she conducted a 3-week [...]

Summer Camp

July 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Summer Camp

Hiking in the hills, telling stories around a campfire, sleeping in tents, taking pictures of wildlife, identifying snow leopard poop...  Wait a minute, snow leopard poop?  This summer camp obviously isn't happening in the United [...]

Herders’ Hearts Lightened in Remote Manang

June 23rd, 2014|Comments Off on Herders’ Hearts Lightened in Remote Manang

(Because physically predator-proofing livestock corrals with traditional fencing materials can be cost prohibitive in most areas of the snow leopard range, Snow Leopard Conservancy is beginning trials with electronic deterrent devices as a more efficient [...]

Young Village Chief and Snow Leopards

June 13th, 2014|Comments Off on Young Village Chief and Snow Leopards

  In remote Annapurna (Nepal) in the Spring of 2011 -- one of the remote cameras captured an adult snow leopard named Mukti, literally meaning “liberty”, along the slopes of Muktinath (holy pilgrimage site) situated [...]

Packing Parties

May 8th, 2014|Comments Off on Packing Parties

  Back in the 1980s, after Rodney won the Rolex Award—which funded the first radio-tracking study of snow leopards—we traveled back & forth between California and Nepal several times a year.  We would spend up [...]

Himalayan Holiday

April 2nd, 2014|Comments Off on Himalayan Holiday

Trekking in the Himalayas and seeing wild snow leopards is only what conservationists and researchers like Rodney Jackson get to do, right? Wrong!  Several years ago Snow Leopard Conservancy joined forces with KarmaQuest Adventure Travel [...]

Viewpoint From a Nepali Herder

March 26th, 2014|Comments Off on Viewpoint From a Nepali Herder

  Lhakpa Gurung and his son near materials for predator proofing corrals (photo: SLC/NTNC)   Lhakpa Gurung, a local herder from a remote Samdzong village in  Mustang, owns 400 sheep and goats, 4 horses and [...]

Ramesh Sunar, Snow Leopard Scout

February 27th, 2014|Comments Off on Ramesh Sunar, Snow Leopard Scout

  Ramesh Sunar with a camera trap he monitors in Nepal (photo: SLC/NTNC)   As recently as a few years ago, Ramesh Sunar of Thini,  Annapurna- Nepal, used to kill Chukar (partridges) and other wild [...]

Discovery of First Pallas’ Cat in Nepal

February 14th, 2014|Comments Off on Discovery of First Pallas’ Cat in Nepal

   Pallas' cat in Nepal  (photo: NTNC-ACAP/SLC)   Exciting camera trap images from our Nepal team shows Pallas' cats, otherwise known as Manul, are living in Nepal!  Even though they live in grassland and mountain [...]

Woman Along the Nepal Conservation Trail

February 10th, 2014|Comments Off on Woman Along the Nepal Conservation Trail

Village of Thamo in Nepal (photo: SLC/NTNC)   Ang Maya Sherpa from Thamo, one of the several settlements in Everest, has never seen a snow leopard, but many times she has chased away Himalayan tahr, [...]

Local Photographer Turned Citizen Scientist in Nepal

January 30th, 2014|Comments Off on Local Photographer Turned Citizen Scientist in Nepal

Tashi Ghale with a camera trap in Manang, Nepal  (photo: SLC/NTNC) A hotel manager and photographer, Tashi R. Ghale, a local resident of Manang, has remarkable experience in snow leopard monitoring. A member of the [...]

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