Pema Tsering is the Program Coordinator for Snow Leopard Conservancy in Mustang.  Here he gives us a bit of information about what it is like living in Mustang and explains his role with the Conservancy.


Picture of village & herder with sheep in frontPema’s holiday greeting from Mustang (photo: Pema Tsering)


Here we have no snow yet …but soon we will be covered under snow. At present there are few people living here.  Most people of Mustang move down to warmer places for seasonal business and to avoid winter for a few months. Only old aged people, livestock, a few government officials and our office staff stay. Those who leave come back in February or March. They travel all the way to India, Pokhara or Kathmandu (cities in Nepal) for petty business. We used to move by foot for 12-13 days but now we have motor roads which takes us there in 3 days. I am also moving within 2 weeks to spend a month in Pokhara.


Pema on horse

Pema in Mustang (photo: Pema Tsering)


To be honest, I love being involved in SLC. For 8 years I worked as a teacher and interpreter in traditional medical center. They have a school where they teach traditional medical skills and knowledge about medicine and herbs to the younger generations. It was ok but not very exciting.  Since I got involved with Snow Leopard Conservancy my life became interesting and adventurous. I am involved in SLC as program coordinator and my job includes all the field work like camera trapping, sample collection, and taking students or herders to the field.  I am also responsible to organize meetings, awareness campaigns and run regular budgeted programs of SLC. There is always a new challenge to face, new things to plan and do.  Simply I can say I love and enjoy doing this job and running around the mountains, exploring new places, meeting new people and seeing a Snow leopard one day (probably…). There is a lot more to do here in Mustang and I hope that the Snow Leopard Conservancy continues its wonderful program here for years to come.

I am happy for myself that I am doing something related to conservation in my own land. I love travelling around and taking pictures and this is fulfilled since I joined SLC.  For all of that I am thankful towards Snow Leopard Conservancy.


Pema standing with hills in background

Pema looking for snow leopards (Photo: Pema Tsering)