Nocturnal Embrace
Artist – Ana Cortes
Media: Watercolors and Water Soluble Graphite Pencil on Moleskin
Have you ever felt the need of emotional shelter, of refuge? but you have realized you are on your own for this one? That black night, that harsh situation, that crisis only you know are going through and need to face? In desperation and loneliness you find that last breath, that inner flame. The power inside you to carry on, to continue, to fight. That moment you have an inner conversation with yourself and first of all find out that you have the skillset and the tools to handle the situation and that you can trust yourself to walk out of this rough patch. When you soothe yourself and pat your own back saying, it’s going to be ok. I relate that feeling with the mental and physical strength of the snow leopard. Alone in the cold night of inclemency, starving, perhaps relying in the last bit of strength they have to survive the night, hoping for a better tomorrow, they curl as their typical way and hug themselves with their tail. Providing that comfort, that embrace.