Capture the Spirit of the Snow Leopard
Artwork & Poetry Contest 2019
To celebrate the launch of the Conservancy’s new website, we held an Artwork & Poetry Contest, Capture the Spirit of the Snow Leopard. The entries submitted were remarkably creative and expressive and represented a wide variety of artistic mediums and writing styles. From those, honorable mentions were initially selected.
Deciding which of these entries most closely embodied the theme of the contest was a daunting task given the amazing talent of the participants. Ultimately, those chosen as the winners were the ones we felt best captured the beauty, strength, and mystery that is, indeed, the sprit of the snow leopard.
Our hope is that these creative works will be instrumental in helping us to develop awareness of the snow leopard and foster an understanding not only of its importance to the high mountain ecosystem but also its value to local communities as both a cultural and spiritual icon.