CAMERA TRAP PHOTOGRAPHY – PAKISTANslcadmin2023-09-05T02:30:08-05:00
Camera Trap Photography – Pakistan
This series of camera trap photographs was taken at 8pm on a cold January evening in the Baltistan region of Pakistan.
On first glance, it appears that a snow leopard mother and cub are making their way along a path. But is there something in the background? Another cub perhaps?
The “eye-shine” effect seen in the second cub’s eyes is due to a feature of the eye called the tapetum lucidum. It reflects light back through the retina a second time, which enhances a cat’s ability to see at night.
What a joy to see these two almost fully-grown snow leopard cubs and to acknowledge their mother’s diligence and devotion to seeing them through to adulthood.
And the presence of this wonderful family is a testament to the successful efforts of our partner, the Baltistan Wildlife Conservation and Development Organization (BWCDO), which is working with local communities in Pakistan to save snow leopards.