4th Annual – Artwork & Poetry Contest – 2022

Snow Leopard, Guardian of the High Mountains


Grand Prize Artwork

On the Watch

Artist – Pat Schwab

Medium: Pastels

First Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

Old Blue Eyes

Artist – Dave Hills

Medium: Oils on panel

Second Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

Listening to the Voices of Ancestors

Artist – Ekaterina Drozhdina

Medium: Soft pastels

Third Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

Cautious Descent

Artist – Karla Mann

Medium: Oils

Fourth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

All in Your Stride

Artist – Sarah Stribbling

Medium: Pastels

Fifth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

Spirit of the Snow

Artist – Samantha Greenhill

Medium: Pastels on pastel mat board

Sixth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

The Empire of Himalayas

Artist – Anju Panwar Rajesh

Medium: Watercolors and gouache

Once Upon A Time, Long Ago…

Artist – Debbie K. Morris

Medium: Pastels

Seventh Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

Looking Forward

Artist – Sarah Stribbling

Medium: Oils

Eighth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over


Artist – Susanne Fumelli

Media: Pastels and colored pencils on pastel mat


Artist – Kateryna Bielikova

Medium: Watercolors on paper

Ninth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

The Guardian

Artist – Jody Call

Medium: Pastel pencils

Tenth Place – Traditional Artwork
Adult – 18 & Over

King of the Mountains

Artist – Birgit Bührlé

Medium: Acrylics on canvas

First Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Guardian of the Heights

by Kathi Lehman

Guardian of the heights!
I feel your eyes upon me
As I stray from habited elevation
(Struggling meekly with acclimation) –
Please grant to me the passage rites
That I may see you in your habitation!

Spirit that dwells on eminent peaks!
I confess an affable kinship
For I, too, flourish in solitude –
And when gladly away from the multitude –
I find a wisdom that only speaks
At just such grandiose altitude!

Creature of mythic beauty!
Of noble face and piercing eyes –
Could you be from ether wrought?
From Shangri-La, snared and caught, –
Magically bound to a mammal disguise,
And to our sphere unfairly brought?

Predator ghost of highland mists!
Sovereign of the empyreal hunt!
Waiting unseen ‘gainst craggy steep
In perfect stillness, – then the leap!,
Bearing down with lethal brunt,
Upon an unsuspecting sheep!

Gatekeeper of the nebular realm!
Where the air, though thin, is laden
With an eerie silence o’er ridge and gap –
A blanket as thick as the snow on the cap
‘Til the silence is broken by a call to a maiden
Awakening her from her languorous nap

O tale as old as the mountains!
Ancient, intrinsic design!
A plea for a lover, a yearning, an urge –
To break from seclusion and willfully converge
In answer to nature’s call divine! –
He watches the maiden shyly emerge

O to be born among the clouds!
To draw breath at the summit!
The threshold between land and sky –
To grow and learn and one day die
And leave the land, but rising from it,
Land and sky unify!

First Place – Traditional Artwork
Youth – Ages 12-17

King of the Mountains

Artist – Zaina Alam Piya

Media: Watercolors and colored pencils

Second Place – Traditional Artwork
Youth – Ages 12-17

Snow Leopard

Artist – Devlini Denethmie Kudathanthirige

Medium: Watercolors

Third Place – Traditional Artwork
Youth – Ages 12-17

Exploring the Territory

Artist – Susan

Medium: Watercolors

Second Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Precious Guardians

by Sandra McEwen

Up high they live and sleep
but roam lower, padding silently,
wending their ways smoothly
through snowy, rocky crags.

Invisible snow leopards
creep ever closer through mists
as prey graze oblivious
to their hidden, deadly stealth.

They bring balance to all around them
as they live and breathe the mountains,
precious guardians
of their most majestic homes.

Revered by many and hunted by some
snow leopards’ presence now commands respect
from those who share the grand valleys too.

They evoke feelings of awe and mystery
such beauty, such strength,
and inspire hearts to protect them
as they too are protectors.

Up high they live and sleep
but roam lower, padding silently,
wending their ways smoothly
through snowy, rocky crags.

Invisible snow leopards
creep ever closer through mists
as prey graze oblivious
to their hidden, deadly stealth.

They bring balance to all around them
as they live and breathe the mountains,
precious guardians
of their most majestic homes.

Revered by many and hunted by some
snow leopards’ presence now commands respect
from those who share the grand valleys too.

They evoke feelings of awe and mystery
such beauty, such strength,
and inspire hearts to protect them
as they too are protectors.

First Place – Traditional Artwork
Youth – Ages 11 & Under

Standing High Amidst the Surroundings

Artist – Kuhu Kacher

Media: Poster color, sketch pen, & brush pen

Third Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Before the Snow Sleeps

by Sarah Mills

If we had eyes of glacial green
Would we see the shifts they’ve seen?
The avalanche of man’s caprice
That goes in search of fur and fleece?

Would we blend as well as they
With bold rosettes of black and grey?
Or would our pelage of smoke and tar
Be the colors that clash and jar?

Would we keep balance on the steep incline
Humbly guarding the realms divine?
Or would our tales not hold our weight
On the pyramids and walls so great?

Would our beauty be hard to ignore
Like the snow that has no roar?
Or would we gaze in river and sea
Until drought puts paid to vanity?
And all we have are mirrors of glass
Where our reflection cannot pass,
Where only the ghost will look back and say
“You did not choose to walk my way.”

First Place – Digital Media
Youth – Ages 12-17

Ghost of the Mountains

Artist – Zaina Alam Piya

Media: Digital

Fourth Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Fierce Guardian 

by Terry Pfister

Fierce guardian
panting under star-iced skies
paws padding along
the steep sharp shoulders of ancient rock,
Lord of this hostile kingdom
where prey is fleet and fearful,
Solitary hunter resting on secret ledges
under the stars
so vulnerable and so close to the heavens,
Dreaming as the soft velvet bullet that you are
shot hard and fast into the timeless river of blood and bone,
Sleeping, heart beating
to the whisper and wail of the mountain winds.

First Place – Combined Media
Adult – 18 & Over

Ice King

Artist – Joan Barbosa

Media: Ebru-type pain stains with digital editing

Fifth Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Chasing Forever

by Grisselle Chock

As the evening falls upon the cliffs,
the “ghost of the mountain” awakens.
Snowflakes glistening in the wind,
like their keen eyes, shine in amazement!

Slowly approaching, the chase begins…
Ready to leap, any moment!
Jumping and running with lightning speed,
trying to outsmart their opponent.

Crisscrossing the way with every step,
smartly mapping the mountain with hunger!
Learning the placement of every ledge,
jumping right, left, over and under.

They always roam above the clouds,
where not many humans would dare.
A lonely place where survival shrouds
a mad game of life or death.

Let’s give them room
to raise their young!
Let’s heal our home-planet together!
We can all learn to get along,
preserving Earth’s treasures… forever!

First Place – Unique Media
Adult – 18 & Over


Artist – Debi Lockhurst

Media: Acrylics on turkey feathers

Second Place – Unique Media
Adult – 18 & Over


Artist – Debi Lockhurst

Media: Acrylics on turkey feathers

Sixth Place – Poetry
Adult – 18 & Over

Editing the Poem

by Emma Lee

Snow conceals the landscape in a new page.
Antelope trot in a poetic line along a ridge.
As his breath-fog clears, a yak stands
bullish as a period. He snorts the air
into shape, punctuates the ground.
A falcon, riding a thermal, provides
an apostrophe. Hares bounce into commas.
Before the sun bleaches the poem,
an editor reads. Snow-balancing pads
fail to disturb the surface, but a red pen’s
precision, the flick of an erasing tail,
make words flow into breath-taking formation.

First Place – Unique Media
Youth –  Ages 12-17


Artist – Susan

Medium: Clay

First Place – Poetry
Youth – Ages 11 & Under

Weave Your Dreams – Azure, the Snow Leopard

by Kuhu Kacher

Weave your dreams of
melodious tuning
Suddenly a strike of thunder
And everything vanishes

Though memories are preserved
In a vault of treasure

Still sunshine is so bright
Catching thy eye-sights
Azure the snow leopard
an abstract canvas

Thy love may disappear
The memories are still alive
Pepping as flash fiction
Reminiscing is the only option

That time is so lovely
It feels as eternity

All is nothing but imagination
Snow-flakes are dancing
on Azure in slow motion

Adult – 18 & over

First Place

Journey of the Snow Leopard

by Kitty Harvill

Haiku with Watercolors

Second Place

Melting Spirit

by Grisselle Chock

Poem with Ink and Watercolors

Youth – Ages 12-17

First Place

Dawn in the Mountains

by Margarita Khrustaleva

Poem with Digital Artwork

Reproduction of art and literary works appearing on this website is permitted for educational purposes. Reproductions should be credited appropriately to the various authors and/or artists.

For reproduction of art and/or literary works appearing on this website for any other purpose than educational, please contact the Snow Leopard Conservancy at shavaun@snowleopardconservancy.org or info@snowleopardconservancy.org in order that we might obtain special permission from the individual authors and/or artists.