Our Heartfelt Thanks to YOU for helping us Protect Snow Leopards! 

Photo: Steve Tracy

Dear Friends,

We are beyond grateful for your generous support throughout 2021!  Thanks to YOU, we were able to achieve significant strides fostering compassionate human – wildlife coexistence in the high mountains of Asia, saving snow leopard lives. 

When asked, YOU rose to the challenge of quickly meeting our Board member’s $25,000 matching grant, then continued on to raise vital funds for protecting snow leopards and strengthening the Conservancy’s initiatives in Nepal, Mongolia, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. We are delighted to report we reached our overarching year-end fundraising goal of $135,000!  Thank you so very much! 

Here are a few highlights of SLC’s impact from 2021, thanks to your dedication, trust, contributions, and the hard work of our partners overseas:

  • We expanded innovative tools like Foxlights and livestock– safe corrals that protect both livestock and snow leopards, avoiding harmful conflict and protecting herders’ vital livelihood.

  • Land of Snow Leopard Network Indigenous Cultural Practitioner, Zhaparkul Raimbekov’s Elders and Youth Program reached community after community in the Talas region of Kyrgyzstan, reinvigorating the power of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the Sacred Snow Leopard and emphasizing the importance of spirituality and culture in conservation.

  • Through Snow Leopard Day Festivals, children in Pakistan, Mongolia, and Nepal demonstrated their dedication as advocates for snow leopards and their protection, with the energetic spirit of this next generation inspiring us that we are on the right path toward restoring the life-sustaining relationship and dependence with our amazing planet and its interconnected web of life.

As we move into 2022 with the still prolific global pandemic, our plans include:

  • Expanding opportunities for the involvement of women and girls in snow leopard conservation. 

  • Continuing to provide critical resources to mountain communities sharing their home with snow leopards and expanding technical and financial support for our extraordinary network of partners working closely with these needful communities to monitor, protect, and save snow leopard lives – while simultaneously improving human well-being.

We cannot thank you enough for your important role in making these achievements possible – We can imagine snow leopards roaming freely in the high mountains of Asia and yowling in appreciation!

Wishing you a wonderful, healthy, and happy 2022!

Yours truly,

Rodney, Ashleigh, and the entire Snow Leopard Conservancy Team

Rodney Jackson, PhD
Founder Director

Ashleigh Lutz-Nelson
Vice President

Our approach is driven by our values
Passion – Creativity – Empowerment – Collaboration
Integrity – Reverence