Snow Leopard Fun

Where is the snow leopard?



One of the snow leopard’s adaptations to its environment is its pelage or pelt. Because of the snow leopard’s color and markings it can practically disappear into the rocky slopes where it hunts. Prey animals have a hard time seeing snow leopards – advantage: snow leopards.

Humans have a hard time seeing snow leopards too. Can you find the snow leopards in these two pictures?


Mt Kailash Poster thumbnail

Click on this thumbnail for the larger image

This is the easier of the two drawings. It shows some of the wildlife found around a mountain and lake in Tibet. After you find the snow leopard see if you can find:

Wild Ladakh poster thumbnail

Click on this thumbnail for the larger image

It will be hard to find the snow leopard in this drawing. Hint: look for a mother and her cub. There are 18 other animals in the picture too. Try to find:

  • a lynx
  • an otter
  • a black-necked crane
  • a butterfly
  • a wooly hare
  • a red fox
  • a golden eagle
  • a Tibetan ass
  • a Tibetan wolf

Here is a key














If you have suggestions for features we should include in “Snow Leopard Fun” send them to Snow Leopards for Kids.