Snow Leopard, Protector of Sacred Mountains
Artwork & Poetry Contest – 2024
Adult 18 & Over
Snow Cat Stretching Out
by Becky Norman
“Mergichan*,” they breathed, with reverence.
Woman shifting with the snow,
Swirling down the mountainside,
Caressing the ibex, fluttering the flags,
Dancing in the deep crevasse.
Woman shifting with the snow –
Guardian of the mountain,
Protectress of the people –
Brown eyes morphing into grey,
Sable hair shifting to plush fur.
Guardian of the mountain –
Snow cat stretching out,
Adjusting to sinew, padded paws,
Impossibly long tail –
Swirling down the mountainside.
Snow cat stretching out,
Chuff-chanting words of protection,
Gliding miles along the top of the world,
Small traces left as evidence of her passing.
“Mergichan,” they breathed, with reverence.
*The Wakhi are a group of people native to northern Pakistan, China, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. They believe that supernatural beings, called mergichan, inhabit the high mountains of the region. The mergichan are holy and very powerful, and so the area they inhabit is pure and sacred. The Wakhi believe the mergichan often take the form of a Snow Leopard, since the animal exemplifies many of the qualities of the mergichan: elusive, powerful, beautiful, and potentially dangerous.